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ATELIER RESISTANCE, through its website requests certain personal data from the users. The data provided by the user will remain incorporated in an automatized file of personal data, ownership of ATELIER RESISTANCE, which will be processed with the aim to provide the requested services by the user. The user authorises the automatised treatment of the personal data provided, needed to provide the agreed services.
The personal information received from the registered customers is stored in a database owned by ATELIER RESISTANCE, who assumes the technical, organizational and security measures that guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of the information in accordance with the established in the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation)
ATELIER RESISTANCE, though its website, will internally use the data provided by the user in order to let the user know the offers and promotions that might be considered of their interest.
The user accepts their personal data will be transferred to other associates of ATELIER RESISTANCE, with the only aim of better service procurement, respecting in any case, the Spanish legislation about personal data protection.
Any user can use at any moment the right to access, rectify and, if so, cancel their personal data provided to the website, by written communication to ATELIER RESISTANCE, C/ de Sant Pere Més Alt, 36, 08003 Barcelona; this communication can also be made by sending an email to
Who is responsible for the personal data treatment?
The person responsible for the treatment of personal data at ATELIER RESISTANCE, address C/ de Sant Pere Més Alt, 36, 08003 Barcelona, Telephone 608180642, email,
For what purpose and legitimacy do we process the data?
Contact. We take care of the queries of the people who contact us via email, contact form on our website or by phone. The legitimacy, for the treatment of your data, is based on your own consent.
Customer services. We register the needed data from the customers to comply with the contractual relationship we have and, moreover, the additional data that can be generated as a result of the commercial relationship. The contractual relationship implies the incorporation of the data to the accounting, billing or, informing the tax administration. We treat this data in compliance with the legal obligations, and the derived contractual relationships.
Management of our providers’ data. We treat the data of the providers from whom we obtain services and products. We obtain the necessary data to keep the commercial relationship, and we use it only for this aim. We treat this data in compliance with the legal obligations, and the derived contractual relationships.
Information of products and services. With the authorization of the customers, their contact data will be used to send advertising regarding our services and/or products. The legitimacy of the treatment of customer data is based on the consent of the person who receives the communications.
Who is the data communicated to?
As a general rule, we only communicate the data to administrations or public powers, and always in compliance with the legal obligations. On billing issues, we can communicate the data to bank entities. There is no data transfer outside the European Union (no international transfers).
For how long do we keep the data?
We follow the legal obligation to limit as much as possible the data conservation period. For this reason, the data is kept only for the necessary period, justified by the aim that motivated the obtaining at the time. In certain cases, like the data appearing in the accounting and billing documentation, the tax regulations oblige to keep the data until responsibilities on these issues prescribe.
In terms of the data that is processed based on the consent of the interested person, the data is kept as long as this person does not revoke the consent.
What rights do people have regarding the data we treat?
People whose data we treat have the following rights:
Access. Right to know which personal data is subjected to treatment, what is the purpose for which is being treated, the communications to other people, obtain a copy of your own data and to know the expected conservation period.
Suppression. Right to ask for the suppression of the data when, among others, it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected that justified its treatment.
Treatment limitation. In certain circumstances, the right to ask for the limitation of the data treatment exists: the data will stop being treated and will only be kept for the exercise or defence of the claims.
Portability. Right to obtain the personal data in a commonly used format computer-readable, and pass it on to another responsible party of the treatment, if the interested person so decides.
Opposition to treatment. If reasons related to a particular situation are indicated, a person can request us to stop treating their data, if it can be inconvenient.
How can rights be exercised or defended?
The herein listed rights can be exercised sending a written request to the postal address of ATELIER RESISTANCE, or by sending an email to, indicating in all cases “Protection of Personal Data”. If a satisfactory response is not obtained in the exercise of these rights, it is possible to submit a claim to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, using the forms or other channels accessible from their page